Adult ADHD Screening Quiz
Click here to take a screening test for Adult ADHD: Adult ADHD Screening Quiz.
TO-DO List
I work with many patients who have ADHD or other difficulties in achieving their goals. This tool is a To-do list that I have used myself to help focus my energies on the hardest and most important tasks of the day. This to-do list was designed to be placed on a clipboard, to act as the day’s dashboard. Click below to download a free copy of the HARD To-Day List.
Place your most dreaded task in the HARDest Task box. Complete this task first and draw a line thru it.
Items that must be accomplished TODAY go in the respective box. Limit these to 2-3 of your most critical tasks.
If something can be done LATER this week, place the task in that box.
NOTES: self-explanatory.
These instructions are not considered medical advice. Feel free to use this and distribute if you find it helpful.